
"My session with Ivy left me with more clarity, optimism and peace of mind. I feel I now have a framework from which to work from and therefore a focus for my energies. The value of having someone impartial fully listening to you and reflecting back your thoughts as they are  expertly and gently disentangled can not be underestimated."
Helen (Deep Dive Clarity session)

"I really enjoyed our sessions and they've helped me be laser focused..."

Allen (1-2-1 Coaching program) 

"...you have been invaluable in the serach for living a life of purpose through the series of mindset coaching i have received. You are a thought provoker. Ivy knows how/when to invoke your thoughts to bring clarity of purpose thereby empowering your mindset. ...my toolbox is filled with tips for my journey"
Emmanuela (Group Coaching programme) 

"I found the process of coaching helped me to identify the blocks to me moving forward , where I was sabotaging and getting in my own way . By visualising what I wanted to achieve , why I wanted to achieve it and how I and others would benefit from it was a real psychological push in the right direction . 
I found the process of looking at small achievable goals to be a gamer changer . Suddenly things I had been putting off were done within 10 minutes . This motivated me to chip away and slowly but surely I could see my vision of a business emerging and becomg a reality . Within 6 weeks a vision of a business turned into a reality and I now have 2 paying clients , a developing website and the confidence that I can do this "

Sasha Barber

Midwife and Business owner
Bristol, UK
“Thank you for helping me through one on one coaching and during the Self Esteem Workshop. You have helped me to rediscover myself and my potentials. Through the self Esteem workshop, I have learned to say no without feeling guilty. I have learned through your workshop to honor my personal core values that make me the person that I am. The session on self assertiveness was huge and I see myself applying the lessons in my everyday interaction with other people. Thank you for helping me to understand that self esteem is a process and I am working on this to get better. Thank you for helping me to realize that I need to take steps to get things done in order to see a change. You have helped me to make a mindset shift in my thoughts which has pretty much restructured my mind and my perspective of life as a whole. You have helped me to move from a state of mere reflection to action. With all these, I am grateful.”

Vivian Ndangoh-Tendong

Senior Nurse Practitioner.
Califonia, USA
"When I began working with Ivy, I was really struggling with limiting beliefs around being good enough to be a coach and also the fear of being seen on social media. These beliefs were actually keeping me stuck and making me quite frustrated, I felt like throwing the towel in with coaching and doing something else. I said that if I had known that becoming a coach meant I would have to go go live on facebook I would never have gone through this career; this wasn’t what I came to coaching for. I had paid for online courses and still couldn’t get my head around the online lingo or make any progress. It was all french to me. 
Ivy helped me see that my resistance to social media was all due to my move away values. I like to be safe and sharing my story on scail media was actually triggering my inner child who was still scared to speak out about what she had endured. From this session, it was like the flood gates had opened, I became more confident, I started stepping out of my comfort zone and founf the strength to deal with my beliefs and my inner child and put myself out there. You can’t stop me on social media now.
Ivy challenges very well and asks awkward questions that really get you thinking outside of the box. Ivy drills down so much that she made me realise so much about myself and it has changed my life, without this coaching relationship I think I would have given up on my dream due to social media and my fears around it. I have realised from working with Ivy that even the worst case scenario isn’t really that scary. I learnt how to take back control of social media and not feel like m beholden to it and feel safe in the process..."

          Sarah Merrett

Certified Coach Devon, UK
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